
Raman Spectroscopy as a Fundamental Analytical Tool to Understand Nanocarbon Optics and Electronics

Hans Kuzmany
NC Optics & Electronics Young Scientists School, Kaliningrad
Summer/Winter school, Talk or oral contribution
24.7.2016 - 28.7.2016

Vortex Commensurability Effects of Critical Current, Magnetoresistance, and Hall Effect in YBCO Films with a Square Array of Defect Columns

Wolfgang Lang
5th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
28.4.2016 - 28.4.2016

Light-ion modification and masked ion beam structuring of YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films

Wolfgang Lang
2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
31.3.2016 - 31.3.2016

Supraleitung: Walzer der Elektronen

Wolfgang Lang
Plus Lucis
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
22.2.2016 - 22.2.2016

Low-dimensional metal-organic nanostructures

Hidetsugu Shiozawa
IWEPNM 2016, 30th International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
13.2.2016 - 20.2.2016

Confined linear carbon chains as a route to bulk carbyne

Lei Shi
Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation Fakultät für Physik
Other, Talk or oral contribution
29.1.2016 - 29.1.2016

Spectroscopic fingerprints of tailored 1D and 2D nanocarbons

Thomas Pichler
Heteronanocarb 2015
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.12.2015 - 11.12.2015

Playing with Perfect nanotubes only made of Carbon and some Heteroatoms

Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
1.12.2015 - 1.12.2015

Unravelling advanced 1D and 2D carbon systems

Thomas Pichler
Quanten Kolloquium IFW Dresden
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
1.12.2015 - 3.12.2015

Is dreaming about all-carbon nanoelectronics realistic?

Paola Ayala
Congreso y Escuela de nanociencia y nanotecnologia
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.11.2015 - 25.11.2015

Disentangling Spectroscopic Fingerprints of 1D and 2D Nanocarbons Tailored by Advanced Functionalization

Thomas Pichler
3rd Erlangen Symposium on Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
5.10.2015 - 5.10.2015

Women in Physics: Gender contribution to the scientific revolution @ stage Girls in Tech

Paola Ayala
Campus Party Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2015 - 2.10.2015

Nanotechnology @Stage Sol

Paola Ayala
Campus Party Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
1.10.2015 - 1.10.2015

New directions towards the characterization of clean functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes

Paola Ayala
XIV Brazil MRS Meeting
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
29.9.2015 - 29.9.2015

The vortex Hall effect in superconductors

Wolfgang Lang
9th International Conference on Vortex Matter in Nanostructured Superconductors (VORTEX IX)
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
17.9.2015 - 17.9.2015

Magnetic properties of nano metals

Hidetsugu Shiozawa
49th Fullerene-Nanotube-Graphene General Symposium
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2015 - 10.9.2015

Carbon based nanotechnology unravelled

Thomas Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
20.8.2015 - 20.8.2015

A perspective of operando spectroscopy for sensing with doped SWCNTs

Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
9.7.2015 - 9.7.2015

Nanotube-based sensors between Vienna and the middle of the world

Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
6.7.2015 - 6.7.2015

Comparing advanced functionalization routes to tailor 1D and 2D nanocarbons

Thomas Pichler
NT'15 - The sixteenth international conference on the science and applications of carbon nanotubes
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
3.7.2015 - 3.7.2015