
Anwendung von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern für elektronische Bauelemente

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
2.12.2002 - 2.12.2002

Erzeugung von tiefen Temperaturen

Wolfgang Lang
"Wärmelehre im Physikunterricht und in der Praxis" des Pädagogischen Instituts des Bundes, HTBLuV
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
12.11.2002 - 14.11.2002

Hochtemperatursupraleitung und Anwendungen

Wolfgang Lang
"Wärmelehre im Physikunterricht und in der Praxis" des Pädagogischen Instituts des Bundes, HTBLuV
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
12.11.2002 - 14.11.2002

High-temperature superconductor devices

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2002 - 10.9.2002

Direktstrukturierung von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern für supraleitende Schaltkreise

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
19.8.2002 - 19.8.2002

Electric transport properties of HTS at high current densities, Institut für Experimentalphysik

Ionut Puica
Talk or oral contribution
24.6.2002 - 24.6.2002

Transport properties of high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors under extreme conditions of magnetic and electric fields

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
20.11.2001 - 20.11.2001

Anisotropic magneto-transport properties of thin YBCO films on vicinal substrates

Wolfgang Lang
VII International Conference on Advanced Materials ICAM2001
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.8.2001 - 30.8.2001

Vortex motion and anomalous Hall effect in high-temperature superconductors

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
23.5.2001 - 23.5.2001

Anomalous vortex Hall effect in high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors

Wolfgang Lang
16. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
11.2.2001 - 17.2.2001

Anomalous Hall effect and vortex pinning in high T<sub>c</sub> superconductors

Wolfgang Lang
Third International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries, and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
14.1.2001 - 19.1.2001

Vortex Hall effect in high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors in low magnetic fields and at high current densities

Wolfgang Lang
International Workshop on Microscopic Structure and Dynamics of Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors and Superfluids
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
28.2.2000 - 3.3.2000

In-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistance in Bi<sub>2</sub>Sr<sub>2</sub>CaCu<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8+x </sub>with various carrier densities

Wolfgang Lang
International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Molecular and Oxide Superconductors
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
28.7.1999 - 2.8.1999

Anisotropic magnetoresistance and superconducting fluctuations in high-temperature superconductors

Wolfgang Lang
First Trilateral Seminar Dresden-Vienna-Wroclaw on Anomalous Phenomena in d- and f-Electron Systems
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
25.5.1999 - 28.5.1999

Bestimmung physikalischer Parameter von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern aus Untersuchungen des Phasenübergangs zur Supraleitung

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
26.4.1999 - 26.4.1999

Superconducting transition and normal-state resistance of high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors in a magnetic field

Wolfgang Lang
9<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Modern Materials &amp; Technologies CIMTEC98
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
14.6.1998 - 19.6.1998

Unkonventionelle Materialeigenschaften von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern: Ein Überblick

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
13.1.1998 - 13.1.1998

Fundamental Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors Part I: Materials Properties, Center for Optoelectronics and Imaging

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
25.7.1997 - 25.7.1997

Fundamental Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors Part II: Superconducting Properties, Center for Optoelectronics and Imaging

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
25.7.1997 - 25.7.1997

Untersuchung des Phasenübergangs in Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern in hohen Magnetfeldern und hohen Stromdichten

Wolfgang Lang
Talk or oral contribution
20.1.1997 - 20.1.1997