Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 417
Electronic properties of functionalized graphene layers
Alexander Grüneis
Talk or oral contribution
19.10.2010 - 19.10.2010
Nature of the metallic ground state in intercalated metallicity selected single wall carbon nanotubes and peaponds
Thomas Pichler
Fullerene Silver Anniversary Symposium, FSAS 2010
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2010 - 2.10.2010
Optical Studies of Individual Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Xianjie Liu
Fullerene Silver Anniversary Symposium, FSAS 2010
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2010 - 2.10.2010
Vorstellung Anfängerpraktika
Wilhelm Markovitsch
Praktikumsleitertagung der Arbeitsgruppe Physikalische Praktika der deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.v. 2010
Talk or oral contribution
22.9.2010 - 22.9.2010
Vortex Hall effect in copper-oxide superconductors
Wolfgang Lang
ESF-NES Workshop 2010:Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and Plasmonics
Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2010 - 21.9.2010
Vortex Hall effect in copper-oxide superconductors
Ionut Puica
ESF-NES Workshop 2010:Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and Plasmonics
Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2010 - 21.9.2010
Vortex Hall effect in copper-oxide superconductors
Johannes Dawid Pedarnig
ESF-NES Workshop 2010:Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and Plasmonics
Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2010 - 26.9.2010
The electron properties of functionalized SWCNTs assessed by photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2010 - 19.9.2010
Clear-cut disentanglemente of the SWCNT 1D electronic structure in a buckypaper
Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
13.9.2010 - 13.9.2010
Tailoring carbon nanostructures: Unravelling the electronic Properties of low-dimensional quantum solids
Thomas Pichler
60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) 2010
Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2010 - 6.9.2010
Electronic structure of SWCNT at DFT level and beyond: New insight from Raman, optical and electron spin resonance experiments
Hans Kuzmany
NPO International Workshop "Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics"
Talk or oral contribution
1.8.2010 - 1.8.2010
Electronic properties of functionalized graphene layers
Alexander Grüneis
Talk or oral contribution
26.7.2010 - 26.7.2010
Tunable electronic properties of functionalized graphene studied by photoemission spectroscopy
Alexander Grüneis
NT 2010, International Conference on the Science and Application of nanotubes
Talk or oral contribution
27.6.2010 - 27.6.2010
Electronic properties of functionalized graphene
Alexander Grüneis
Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2010 - 25.6.2010
Filled single-walled carbon nanotubes: a way to nano-electronics
Paola Ayala
First International Nanotechnology Congress
Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2010 - 7.6.2010
Plasmon Excitations in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Christian-Rüdiger Kramberger-Kaplan
First International Nanotechnology Congress
Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2010 - 7.6.2010
Tailoring carbon nanostructures: Unravelling the electronic properties of low-dimensional quantum soldis
Thomas Pichler
First International Nanotechnology Congress
Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2010 - 7.6.2010
Einführung in die Elektronen- und Energie-Verlustspektroskopie
Thomas Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
17.5.2010 - 17.5.2010
Electron Structure of Ultrahigh Curvature SWCNT and Electron Spin Resonance from fully M-SC Separated Tubes
Hans Kuzmany
Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2010 - 12.5.2010
Showing entries 261 - 280 out of 417