
Electronic properties of functionalized graphene layers

Alexander Grüneis
Talk or oral contribution
19.10.2010 - 19.10.2010

Nature of the metallic ground state in intercalated metallicity selected single wall carbon nanotubes and peaponds

Thomas Pichler
Fullerene Silver Anniversary Symposium, FSAS 2010
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2010 - 2.10.2010

Optical Studies of Individual Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes

Xianjie Liu
Fullerene Silver Anniversary Symposium, FSAS 2010
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2010 - 2.10.2010

Vorstellung Anfängerpraktika

Wilhelm Markovitsch
Praktikumsleitertagung der Arbeitsgruppe Physikalische Praktika der deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.v. 2010
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
22.9.2010 - 22.9.2010

Vortex Hall effect in copper-oxide superconductors

Wolfgang Lang
ESF-NES Workshop 2010:Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and Plasmonics
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2010 - 21.9.2010

Vortex Hall effect in copper-oxide superconductors

Ionut Puica
ESF-NES Workshop 2010:Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and Plasmonics
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2010 - 21.9.2010

Vortex Hall effect in copper-oxide superconductors

Johannes Dawid Pedarnig
ESF-NES Workshop 2010:Nanoscale Superconductivity, Fluxonics and Plasmonics
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
21.9.2010 - 26.9.2010

The electron properties of functionalized SWCNTs assessed by photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
19.9.2010 - 19.9.2010

Clear-cut disentanglemente of the SWCNT 1D electronic structure in a buckypaper

Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
13.9.2010 - 13.9.2010

Tailoring carbon nanostructures: Unravelling the electronic Properties of low-dimensional quantum solids

Thomas Pichler
60. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) 2010
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2010 - 6.9.2010

Electronic structure of SWCNT at DFT level and beyond: New insight from Raman, optical and electron spin resonance experiments

Hans Kuzmany
NPO International Workshop "Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics"
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
1.8.2010 - 1.8.2010

Electronic properties of functionalized graphene layers

Alexander Grüneis
Talk or oral contribution
26.7.2010 - 26.7.2010

Tunable electronic properties of functionalized graphene studied by photoemission spectroscopy

Alexander Grüneis
NT 2010, International Conference on the Science and Application of nanotubes
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
27.6.2010 - 27.6.2010

Electronic properties of functionalized graphene

Alexander Grüneis
Talk or oral contribution
25.6.2010 - 25.6.2010

Spin dynamics in metals

Ferenc Simon
Talk or oral contribution
8.6.2010 - 8.6.2010

Filled single-walled carbon nanotubes: a way to nano-electronics

Paola Ayala
First International Nanotechnology Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2010 - 7.6.2010

Plasmon Excitations in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Christian-Rüdiger Kramberger-Kaplan
First International Nanotechnology Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2010 - 7.6.2010

Tailoring carbon nanostructures: Unravelling the electronic properties of low-dimensional quantum soldis

Thomas Pichler
First International Nanotechnology Congress
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2010 - 7.6.2010

Einführung in die Elektronen- und Energie-Verlustspektroskopie

Thomas Pichler
Talk or oral contribution
17.5.2010 - 17.5.2010

Electron Structure of Ultrahigh Curvature SWCNT and Electron Spin Resonance from fully M-SC Separated Tubes

Hans Kuzmany
Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2010 - 12.5.2010