Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 418
Long-Term Stability of Irradiation-Induced Defects in YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7−δ</sub> Thin Films
Bernd Aichner
Sandra Keppert
Philip Rohringer
M. A. Bodea
Benedikt Müller
Max Karrer
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
Johannes David Pedarnig
Wolfgang Lang
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2025
Talk or oral contribution
18.3.2025 - 18.3.2025
Doping Carbon Nanotubes with Substitutional Heteroatoms: What To Expect
Paola Ayala
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
Talk or oral contribution
1.12.2024 - 6.12.2024
TEM-EELS of Low-D Materials Combining High Energy and Momentum Resolution
Thomas Pichler
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit
Talk or oral contribution
1.12.2024 - 6.12.2024
More than 25 years of experience in s&t cooperation with Japane
Thomas Pichler
Japanese Science Day 2024
Talk or oral contribution
5.10.2024 - 5.10.2024
Commensurability Effects and Long-Term Stability of Pinning Landscapes in Copper-Oxide Superconductors Fabricated by Focused He-Ion-Beam Nanopatterning
Bernd Aichner
Sandra Keppert
Max Karrer
Katja Wurster
César Magén
Christoph Schmid
Robin Hutt
Johannes David Pedarnig
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
Wolfgang Lang
10th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2024 - 2.10.2024
Iris Agresti
Skłodowska Quantum Conference (QURIE)
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2024 - 4.10.2024
Vortex Matter in Copper-Oxide Superconductors with Periodic Defects
Wolfgang Lang
Bernd Aichner
Lucas Backmeister
Sandra Keppert
Johannes D. Pedarnig
Max Karrer
Katja Wurster
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
Vyacheslav R. Misko
10th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2024 - 2.10.2024
Finding ways to control the electronic properties of SWCNTs towards their applicability
Paola Ayala
SBPMat Brasilien 2024
Talk or oral contribution
28.9.2024 - 3.10.2024
Long-Term Stability and Annealing of Defects in YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub> O<sub>7-δ</sub> Thin Films Produced with Collimated and Focused Helium Ion Beams
Sandra Keppert
Bernd Aichner
Philip Rohringer
Marius-Aurel Bodea
Max Karrer
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
Johannes David Pedarnig
Wolfgang Lang
73rd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG)
Talk or oral contribution
23.9.2024 - 23.9.2024
Reentrant Zero Resistance at Finite Magnetic Fields in Nanostructured Copper-Oxide Superconductor Films
Bernd Aichner
Max Karrer
Katja Wurster
Christoph Schmid
Sandra Keppert
Robin Hutt
César Magén
Lucas Backmeister
Philipp Alexander Korner
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Johannes David Pedarnig
Dieter Koelle
Wolfgang Lang
73rd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG)
Talk or oral contribution
23.9.2024 - 23.9.2024
Optimization of the irradiation parameters for fabricating nanostructures in copper-oxide superconductors using He-FIB and assessing their long-term stability
Wolfgang Lang
Bernd Aichner
Sandra Keppert
Max Karrer
Katja Wurster
César Magén
Christoph Schmid
Robin Hutt
Philip Rohringer
Johannes D. Pedarnig
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
fit4nano & EUfn Workshop 2024
Talk or oral contribution
17.9.2024 - 17.9.2024
Presentation of NanoteC 25 @UNIVIE
Paola Ayala
Conference NanoteC24
Talk or oral contribution
28.8.2024 - 31.8.2024
Feed-stock-dependent growth of small diameter B-SWCNTs
Dido Denier van der Gon
Conference NanoteC24
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2024 - 30.8.2024
Paola Ayala
IMRC 2024
Talk or oral contribution
18.8.2024 - 23.8.2024
Investigation of Abrikosov vortex phases in defect-engineered copper-oxide superconductors
Wolfgang Lang
Bernd Aichner
Max Karrer
Katja Wurster
César Magén
Christoph Schmid
Robin Hutt
Lucas Backmeister
Philipp Alexander Korner
Sandra Keppert
Johannes D. Pedarnig
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
From Solid State to Biophysics XI
Talk or oral contribution
13.6.2024 - 13.6.2024
Tutorial on PES applied to carbon nanostructured materials
Paola Ayala
NSSY 2024
Talk or oral contribution
24.5.2024 - 24.5.2024
On-wall B doping on single-walled carbon nanotubes
Paola Ayala
Talk or oral contribution
10.5.2024 - 10.5.2024
Topology-Driven Vortex Commensurability in YBCO Thin Films: Pinning Force of an Individual Vortex and Reentrant Zero Resistance
Wolfgang Lang
Bernd Aichner
Max Karrer
Katja Wurster
Christoph Schmid
Robin Hutt
César Magén
Lucas Backmeister
Philipp Alexander Korner
Jose Maria de Teresa
Reinhold Kleiner
Edward Goldobin
Dieter Koelle
9th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism<br/>
Talk or oral contribution
29.4.2024 - 29.4.2024
Understanding SWCNT- hybrids confining other nanostructures
Paola Ayala
ChemOnTubes 2024
Talk or oral contribution
7.4.2024 - 11.4.2024