Publications since 2008
Showing entries 281 - 300 out of 381
Podila, R, Chacon-Torres, J, Spear, JT, Pichler, T, Ayala, P & Rao, AM 2012, 'Spectroscopic investigation of nitrogen doped graphene', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, no. 12, 123108.
Ruiz-Soria, G, Daothong, S, Pichler, T & Ayala, P 2012, 'Spectroscopic study of the diameter distribution of B-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes', Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research, vol. 249, no. 12, pp. 2469-2472.
Pedarnig, JD, Bodea, M, Steiger, B, Markowitsch, W & Lang, W 2012, 'Systematic modification of electrical and superconducting properties of YBCO and nano-patterning of high-TC superconducting thin films by light-ion irradiation', Physics Procedia, vol. 36, pp. 508-513.
Mancal, T, Christensson, N, Lukes, V, Milota, F, Bixner, O, Kauffmann, H & Hauer, J 2012, 'System-Dependent Signatures of Electronic and Vibrational Coherences in Electronic Two-Dimensional Spectra', The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 1497-1502.
Bixner, O, Lukes, V, Mancal, T, Hauer, J, Milota, F, Fischer, M, Pugliesi, I, Bradler, M, Schmid, W, Riedle, E, Kauffmann, H & Christensson, N 2012, 'Ultrafast photo-induced charge transfer unveiled by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 136, no. 20, 204503.
Abramavicius, D, Nemeth, A, Milota, F, Sperling, J, Mukamel, S & Kauffmann, H 2012, 'Weak Exciton Scattering in Molecular Nanotubes Revealed by Double-Quantum Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy', Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, no. 6, 067401, pp. 1-5.
Fabian, G, Kramberger, C, Friedrich, A, Simon, F & Pichler, T 2011, 'A broadband and high throughput single-monochromator Raman spectrometer: Application for single-wall carbon nanotubes', Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 82, no. 2, 023905.
Buckup, T, Hauer, J, Voll, J, Vivie-Riedle, R & Motzkus, M 2011, 'A General control mechanism of energy flow in the excited state of polyenic biochromophores', Faraday Discussions, vol. 153, pp. 213-225.
Ayala, P, Kitaura, R, Kramberger, C, Shiozawa, H, Imazu, N, Kobayashi, K, Mowbray, DJ, Hoffmann, P, Shinohara, HN & Pichler, T 2011, 'A Resonant Photoemission Insight to the Electronic Structure of Gd Nanowires Templated in the Hollow Core of SWCNTs', Materials Express: An International Journal on Multidisciplinary Materials Research, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-35.
Schmid, J, Drapalik, M, Kancsar, E, Schlosser, V & Klinger, G 2011, 'A study of power quality loss in PV modules caused by wind induced vibration located in Vienna', Solar Energy, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 1530-1536.
Fabian, G, Kramberger, C, Friedrich, A, Simon, F & Pichler, T 2011, 'Adaptation of a commercial Raman spectrometer for multiline and broadband laser operation', Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research, vol. 248, no. 11, pp. 2581-2584.
Mowbray, DJ, Ayala, P, Pichler, T & Rubio, A 2011, 'Computing C1s X-ray Absorption for Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Distinct Electronic Type', Materials Express: An International Journal on Multidisciplinary Materials Research, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 225-230.
Chacon Torres, JC & Pichler, T 2011, 'Defect modulated Raman response of KC(8) single crystals', Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research, vol. 248, no. 11, pp. 2744-2747.
Haberer, D, Petaccia, L, Farjam, M, Taioli, S, Jafari, SA, Nefedov, A, Zhang, W, Calliari, L, Scarduelli, G, Dora, B, Vyalikh, DV, Pichler, T, Wöll, C, Alfe, D, Simonucci, S, Dresselhaus, MS, Knupfer, M, Büchner, B & Grüneis, A 2011, 'Direct observation of a dispersionless impurity band in hydrogenated graphene', Physical Review B, vol. 83, no. 16, 165433.
Kramberger, C, Ayala, P, Shiozawa, H, Simon, F, Friedrich, A, Liu, X, Rümmeli, M, Miyata, Y, Kataura, H, Hoffmann, P & Pichler, T 2011, 'Disentanglement of the unoccupied electronic structure in metallic and semiconducting C-60 peapods', Physical Review B, vol. 83, no. 19, 195438.
Mancal, T, Bixner, O, Christensson, N, Hauer, J, Milota, F, Nemeth, A, Sperling, J & Kauffmann, H 2011, 'Dynamics of quantum wave packets in complex molecules traced by 2D coherent electronic correlation spectroscopy', Procedia Chemistry, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 105-117.
Farjam, M, Haberer, D & Grüneis, A 2011, 'Effect of hydrogen adsorption on the quasiparticle spectra of graphene', Physical Review B, vol. 83, no. 19, 193411.
Nadtochiy, A, Korotchenkov, O, Drapalik, M & Schlosser, V 2011, 'Effects of Ultrasonic Cleaning on Carrier Lifetimes and Photovoltage in Monocrystalline Silicon', Solid State Phenomena (Diffusion and defect data B), vol. 178-179, pp. 221-225.
Lukes, V, Christensson, N, Milota, F, Kauffmann, H & Hauer, J 2011, 'Electronic ground state conformers of beta-carotene and their role in ultrafast spectroscopy', Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 506, no. 1-3, pp. 122-127.
Haberer, D, Petaccia, L, Wang, Y, Quian, H, Farjam, M, Jafari, SA, Sachdev, H, Fedorov, AV, Usachov, D, Vyalikh, DV, Liu, X, Vilkov, O, Adamchuk, VK, Irle, S, Knupfer, M, Büchner, B & Grüneis, A 2011, 'Electronic properties of hydrogenated quasi-free-standing graphene', Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research, vol. 248, no. 11, pp. 2639-2643.
Showing entries 281 - 300 out of 381