Publications since 2008


Fedorov, AV, Verbitskiy, NI, Haberer, D, Struzzi, C, Petaccia, L, Usachov, D, Vilkov, OY, Vyalikh, DV, Fink, J, Knupfer, M, Buchner, B & Gruneis, A 2014, 'Observation of a universal donor-dependent vibrational mode in graphene', Nature Communications, vol. 5, 3257.

Ruiz Soria, G, Perez Paz, A, Sauer, M, John Mowbray, D, Lacovig, P, Dalmiglio, M, Lizzit, S, Yanagi, K, Rubio, A, Goldoni, A, Ayala, P & Pichler, T 2014, 'Revealing the Adsorption Mechanisms of Nitroxides on Ultrapure, Metallicity-Sorted Carbon Nanotubes', ACS Nano, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1375-1383.

Kramberger, C, Thurakitseree, T, Einarsson, E, Takashima, A, Kinoshita, T, Muro, T & Maruyama, S 2014, 'From isotope labeled CH3CN to N-2 inside single-walled carbon nanotubes', Nanoscale, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1525-1528.

Korotchenkov, O, Nadtochiy, A & Schlosser, V 2014, Study of Photovoltage Decays in Nanostructured Ge/Si. in JD Murphy (ed.), Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology XV. TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD, Solid State Phenomena (Diffusion and defect data B), vol. 205-206, pp. 406-411, 15th International Conference on Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST), Oxford, United Kingdom, 22/09/13.


Krivchenko, VA, Evlashin, SA, Mironovich, KV, Verbitskiy, NI, Nefedov, A, Wöll, C, Kozmenkova, AY, Suetin, NV, Svyakhovskiy, SE, Vyalikh, DV, Rakhimov, AT, Egorov, AV & Yashina, LV 2013, 'Carbon nanowalls: the next step for physical manifestation of the black body coating', Scientific Reports, vol. 3, 3328.

Haberer, D, Petaccia, L, Fedorov, AV, Praveen, CS, Fabris, S, Piccinin, S, Vilkov, O, Vyalikh, DV, Preobrajenski, A, Verbitskiy, NI, Shiozawa, H, Fink, J, Knupfer, M, Buechner, B & Grüneis, A 2013, 'Anisotropic Eliashberg function and electron-phonon coupling in doped graphene', Physical Review B, vol. 88, no. 8, 081401.